TAPS COVID 19 Update – As of July 6, 2020

TAPS COVID 19 Update – As of July 6, 2020
July 20, 2020 TAPS

At Tazewell Animal Protective Society (TAPS), the health of our employees, animals and our customers are our number one priority. We are committed to keeping our staff and community safe. At this time, that means we are limiting foot traffic and the potential exposure to COVID 19 as much as possible. The following restrictions will be put in place now through at least the end of July, 2020. If we can lift these restrictions earlier, we will certainly do so.

Adoptions by appointment.

During this time of great uncertainty, we are still working to fulfill our mission to move our available animals into loving adoptive homes. We kindly ask that the public refrain from visiting the shelter unless you are seriously intend to adopt. If you plan to adopt, you can first view all of our available pets on our website and complete an adoption application online at www.tapsshelter.org. Once your application is approved, and if you are the first applicant on an available animal, our staff will contact you via telephone to schedule an appointment to conduct a meet and greet. We will strive to schedule appointments no later than 6:00 p.m.

Temporary Suspension of Paper Applications

Effective immediately, we will suspend the use of paper applications and accept online applications only to prevent the community use of pens and clip boards and minimize the handling of paper by our staff. This situation continues to be fluid and if we believe we can lift these restrictions earlier, we will.

Thank you for understanding our need to put emergency practices in place for the health and well-being of everyone involved at TAPS, especially our employees. This is a very sad time for the animals in our community and beyond as we anticipate a significant reduction in both donations and adoptions as our country attempts to navigate through this difficult time while minimizing the spread of illness.