By: Laura Cotner, TAPS Volunteer & Snow White’s Foster Mom
In November 2019 TAPS agreed to take Snow White, an approximately 2-year-old white husky mix, and I recall at that time a comment “are we sure she is not a coyote?” When she arrived, she was shut down, in terrible pain and had a horrific case of mange. She was covered with blisters that would bleed every time you touched her. She had more sores than fur. TAPS asked for volunteers to bathe her twice a week and another volunteer and I began the Tuesday/Thursday shifts. At first, I had to carry her to the bathing area just running warm water over her and gently patting her dry. A leash was too painful, and the towels were usually bloody by the time I was done. It broke my heart seeing the despair and pain in her eyes. Even then everyone at the shelter could tell inside there was a sweet, gentle soul simply needing a loving touch that would heal her physical wounds as well as her broken spirit. She was provided medication for pain and to treat the terrible skin infection that covered most of her. As I continued to bathe her, I slowly began to see that beautiful personality shine through. Regular meals, loving words and gestures from staff and volunteers, amazing vet tech care and a warm comfortable environment at TAPS began to transform Snow White.

As Snow White continued to improve, I was able to foster her in my home in early December. She was still healing mentally and physically. To complicate things, she also had not been spayed. This could not be done until the skin infection treatment was complete. TAPS thought being in a home would be good for her until she was released from medical hold and we could begin looking for her forever home. We continued baths and with the company of two smaller senior dogs, Lucy, and Tracie Marie (TAPS alumni), she began to blossom! She learned to play and walk on a leash. She loved to give hugs; literally jumping up and very gently placing her front paws around your body. It was the sweetest gesture. Her favorite pastime was snuggling and being a “couch potato”!

Through December her personality really began to emerge. She was playful, loving and began to show a little bit of an independent streak. Sometimes while outside walking, we would have to stand (or she would sit) for 5 minutes locked in a battle of wills as whether to go her way or mine. Sometimes I let her win, and other times she let me win! Snow White was becoming a true princess; she was as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside! I knew I had to find her a special furr-ever home!

In early February 2020, she found her furr-ever home with two wonderful parents and a sweet little boy who really wanted a dog. We were not sure how she would do with cats, but she has adapted to them well. It was a perfect match, as if Snow knew where she belonged. She adjusted well from the beginning. “Snowball”, as her the little guy calls her now, loves her new family, enjoys taking long walks, and quickly made herself at home on their couch! She rides each morning to the bus stop to see her young companion off to school and greets him each day as he returns.

Thank you TAPS for taking in this beautiful dog and allowing me to be a small part in her transformation to the princess you knew she could be!!