Furr-Ever Thankful Series: Sid’s Story

Furr-Ever Thankful Series: Sid’s Story
November 5, 2020 TAPS

By: Kim Scully, TAPS Volunteer

Sid’s time was up.  He found himself at an animal control in Tennessee with wounds that were visible on the outside but many more no one could see.  He had some snags getting to TAPS but in August of 2019 his life would forever be changed.  We noticed right away that his front leg was deformed and he very much favored it as well as sensitivity in his neck area.  Unfortunately Sid was also heartworm positive.  He was in for a long haul but TAPS was committed to giving Sid everything he needed. 

The first thing I remember when I met Sid was he wanted to be invisible.  He asked for nothing and rarely even looked up when anyone walked by.  He was so defeated he felt like he deserved nothing.  TAPS was going to change that.  He went through his heartworm treatment like a champ so it was time to address his leg.  It really was a simple break that if treated at the time would have been easy to treat. No one did that for him and now the only way to alleviate his constant pain was amputation. His wonderful TAPS’s vet decided to take a look at his neck at the same time and what he found was heartbreaking.  He had so much scar tissue in his neck from either repeated bite wounds or beatings that he could barely breathe.  Sid adjusted very well to three legs and seemed to feel better right away but the neck wound would cause repeated problems including a pretty severe hemorrhage immediately post op.  Several little procedures after that and he was on the mend.  Now it was time to search for the best home for Sid after he’d been through so much. 

That search ended on April 8th, 2020.  Sid was adopted by a wonderful retired couple whose life now revolves around him.  They know everything Sid has been through and they are determined to make him feel every day like he’s the king.  TAPS is often touted for all the physical ailments they attend to and in Sid’s case, those were numerous.  What cannot be underestimated is the complete change in Sid’s mental state.  He was able to open himself up to receiving love through tireless staff and volunteers committing to him.  TAPS is not afraid to take on dogs like Sid.  Most times, we know very little about the animals that are tagged for TAPS and what their needs may be.  I will never forget Sid and am so thankful TAPS said yes to him.  Sid’s life started out so badly but that no longer defines him.