Authored by: Linda Elward
It’s time for another Doggie Day Date series and this time we are introducing handsome Dash! We’re going to start out each of these articles by asking our readers and potential adopters to not judge a book by its cover. When you walk through a shelter, you will see different dogs with so many different personalities; ones that are shut down mentally, cowering in their kennel and afraid of human touch; others that are pressing their body up against the door hoping that you will stop and pet them; and others that are pacing in their kennel, jumping and barking wildly. But one thing is for certain about each of these different personalities – they will show you a different personality when they are in a home environment.
Meet Dash!

Today we are featuring Dash, who has been at TAPS since early June. Dash is a three-year old male, small mixed breed (less than 25 pounds), that got to spend an afternoon in early August with a couple of volunteers so we could learn more about his personality outside the kennel environment. In the kennel, Dash is a little shy and insecure about someone touching him and can bear a fear biter. Although Dash’s history in unknown, it is clear someone has failed him in his past and he does not trust people quickly. Because of this, he would probably do best in a home without small children. It is unknown if he is dog or cat friendly.
Outside the kennel and once you earn his trust, Dash’s personality changed immediately; he was outgoing and loving and began giving kisses. We were surprised how friendly he was and how much he loves belly rubs (something we never witnessed in his kennel)! At home, his insecurity was almost completely stripped away and he began to make himself at home by burying bones that were given to him so he could find later; a stark difference from not liking to be touched when in his kennel.
Please consider giving Dash a chance! Head over to our website and fill out an adoption form and give him the love he’s never known!

For more information on Dash or any of our other dogs, please visit our website at www.tapsshelter.org.
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